Working with Depression Workshop
Our next workshop is on Saturday 5th October and will be about understanding and working with depression..
- What is it and how does it manifest?
- What is happening in our bodies when we are depressed?
- How does our childhood play a part? What about genetics?
- How can we work with clients who are depressed?
We will be looking at the major life events which can bring depression into our lives as well as the mundane influences that can trigger or make worse existing depression. We will look at techniques for managing the common effects of depression including anxiety.
The day will be interactive with some practical activities and case study work. There will be opportunities to network with other counsellors from a variety of placements and practices and a lovely cold buffet lunch is included in the price.
Get in touch if you’d like to discuss or want to book your place – we keep numbers small so everyone can get the most from the day so don’t delay. We will accept post-dated cheques to reserve your place.
Click here for an application form.
Contact: Mo Smith,, 07885674218
Saturday 5th October 2019
Easton on the Hill Village Hall, New Road, Easton on the Hill, PE9 3NN
10am – 4.00pm (9.30am registration and coffee)
Cost: £70.00 includes refreshments and light lunch.