Relaxation concern grips potential workshop attendees
We’ve had a number of people say that they don’t want to come to the mindfulness workshop because “it’ll be all about relaxing and meditation”.
Meditation and relaxation techniques are just some of the tools that people can use in order to become more mindful. We will discuss them and present them to you as we would any idea for a therapeutic tool.
We’d like to put your minds at rest though – there will be no lying on the floor on a cushion or deep breathing at this workshop! Mo on the floor? We think not.
The Cinnabar way is to unpack a topic, work out how it affects clients, then present practical tools for you to take away and apply in your work. The majority of the day will be about looking at why and how mindfulness works, and doing case study work in small groups applying a suggested structured way of working.
We hope this puts your mind at ease. Places are filling up so get in touch to reserve yours. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.
Relaxation is incidental!